Still Find Myself Chuckling . . .
when I think about last night’s book signing with Stephanie. I’d been reading her blog for a while now and almost felt like I knew her (in that slight Internet-obsession sort of way), but I was really surprised to hear her speak. Y’all, she is very funny in print, but in person she was absolutely HI-LARIOUS. Threaded Bliss was pretty well packed with people knitting away and laughing till the tears came. Sarah H was sitting next to me and she let her knitting fall in her lap a few times (dropped stitches be damned!) while her hand flew up to cover her mouth in the “I’m shocked and oh so amused” pose. Sarah is (self-admittedly) one of those people who should be a continuous audience member on talk shows—need a good reaction shot, pan to her and wait for the facial expression to hit—so she was a great person to sit next to on this Nashvegas stop of the Knit Comedy Tour. After it was over and my book was signed I was in that giddy sort of mood that I get in after a really great concert or something, where I’m still kind of reeling from the experience. (But we also missed having the rest of our knitting group there. Jennifer and Sarah B, hope you both are feeling much better! We missed you!)
Two finished discloths, one stinkin' funny book.
By Jennifer Coomer, at 4/28/2006 1:46 PM
Sorry, Jennifer, I almost hated posting it for your sake . . .
By Katie, at 4/28/2006 2:09 PM
What an adorable picture!
By Anonymous, at 4/28/2006 5:06 PM
Yes, it's true. When I watch TV with my family, they all subconsciously look over at me when something reaction-worthy happens onscreen, frequently to catch my exaggerated, Conan O'Brian-esque look of horror.
A knitting outing just ain't right without our friends--it's like half the knitting group is missing! :P
I want to knit dishcloths now! Darn you, Katie and Mason-Dixon knitters!
By Anonymous, at 4/28/2006 10:11 PM
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